
Hi dear neighbor,

Let me become your kid’s caring sister and friend.

I want to play with your kid and exchange the skills with them on the way.

Why do I want to teach?

  • My day job is big tech, where the relationship between ~what i do~ and ~effect is has~ is out of my sight. I want to see with my eyes the influence of my actions.

  • I had a two year teaching career in Ukraine before - aka most fulfilling craft I ever had. Why can’t I have it now?

  • I am a seeker of meaningful relationships, not age-constrained.

  • I want to play with the kids and am not ready to have kids myself.

  • I want to learn from kids. I want to learn how to have a fresh mind, be a beginner, and see the world as a playground.

What can I teach?

  • emotional intelligence

  • growth mindset

  • female empowerment

  • contrarian and critical thinking

  • mindfulness and meditation

  • being in tune with nature and body. somatic stuff.

  • programming.

  • handstands, acrobatics, running

  • cultural dexterity

  • ukulele

  • self-love

  • deep okayness

My experiences includes:

  • taught primary school kids + businessman english for two years.

  • CS degree from Minerva University

  • chairperson at European Youth Parliament.

  • living in 9 countries around the world

  • being raised my three generations of Ukrainian teachers.

  • being a scout leader for young girls in Ukraine.

  • volunteering a lot a lot.

  • adventurous spirit

  • clown classes

  • climbing tall mountains

I can also babysit and housesit. Talk to me! [email protected]